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Hello! Welcome to the official website of Epsilon Technology

Brick press servo system

  • Performance

    Introduction to the principle of energy saving

    The special AC servo system for brick making machines developed by our company is designed according to the pressure and speed parameters that the brick making machine needs to control during the specific operation process. high advantage. Compared with traditional hydraulic control, it has the characteristics of energy saving, high efficiency and low scrap rate. After the brick press is transformed, the power saving effect can reach 25% to 60%. It can be widely used in large, medium and small sizes, various brands, and hydraulically driven quantitative pumps or variable pump brick presses. Power levels are available from 30KW to 132KW. The displacement can be from 100CC to 355CC. If the displacement is larger, the multi-machine communication confluence can be used. The maximum displacement can reach 2500CC, which can meet the application requirements of the 6000-ton brick machine. It is unique in the same industry.

  • Applicable Standards
  • Download/upload/products/2021121321410044.pdf
  • 產品參數
  • Performance
  • Applicable Standards




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