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Hello! Welcome to the official website of Epsilon Technology

Injection molding machine servo system

  • Performance

    Investment returns

    Haitian 180-ton injection molding machine: motor power: 18.5KW, oil pump discharge: 120L/min, generally the load rate of each motor during normal production is 60% of the rated power;

    Servo energy saving: After the servo transformation of our company, the power consumption of the motor can be saved by more than 50%; the injection molding machine works 24 hours a day and 28 days a month;

    Electricity bills are calculated at the average price: 0.9 yuan/kWh; the energy-saving benefits of this machine are analyzed as follows:

    (1) Monthly recycling and energy saving = 18.5x0.6x50%x24x28x0.9 = 3356.6 yuan/month

    (2) Annual recycling and energy saving = 3356 yuan/month xl2 = 40272 yuan/year

    (3) Considering the oil quality of retrofit customers, it is recommended to select gear pumps for retrofit applications

  • Applicable Standards

  • Download/upload/products/2021121321410044.pdf
  • 產品參數
  • Performance
  • Applicable Standards




Products Information

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